What Should You Fight For In A Divorce?

Posted on: 23 October 2020

If you are in the middle of a divorce, one of the major questions that may arise might stem from asking which assets you should be fighting for in your divorce. What is worth keeping, and what should you let go of? What do you have the right to fight for in the divorce?

It is normal not to know what you should fight for in the divorce. If you have questions, this guide will help you determine what you should do next.

List Your Top Wishes

It helps to make a list of the main things you want to receive in the divorce. What is it that you want more than anything else? These are your priorities, and your attorney will use this list to help you manage your expectations for the divorce proceedings.

For example, it is not likely that you will receive everything you own together with a value of $10,000 over. You may have to choose a few items that you have shared over the years of marriage, and you are not likely to be eligible to receive your spouse's belongings from before the marriage.

Explain Yourself

It is also important that you explain why some of these items are so important to you. You may have to make a case for why you need a specific item. For example, you might argue that you need the larger vehicle because you transport the children more often than your ex-spouse and need the space.

Consider a Trade-Off

Of course, you may find that there are some items you and your former spouse are both interested in keeping. In a case like this, you may need to be willing to trade things. Compromise can make the proceedings more affordable, less contentious, and less time-consuming.

Try to Be Less Emotional

It is important to think about the financial value of the items you are fighting for in the divorce. It is important that you do not get caught up in the sentimentality of a home or a vehicle in the discussion of which assets you want to keep.

Consult With a Professional Divorce Attorney

A divorce attorney can help you understand the next steps in your divorce. You may be eligible to receive more assets than you thought, and it can help you fight for your financial future and for the benefit of your children. Call a divorce attorney today to discuss your case.


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