Top Signs You Should Hire A Child Porn Lawyer

Posted on: 26 March 2021

There are attorneys out there who are knowledgeable about child pornography laws and the crimes that people can be charged with that are related to child pornography. Hiring one of these attorneys can be incredibly helpful for some people who find themselves in tricky legal situations. You might have never thought that you would have to hire one of these attorneys, but now, you might actually be in a situation where you could use the legal expertise and assistance of a child porn lawyer. A few examples of times when you might need to hire one of these attorneys are listed here.

You Have Accidentally Downloaded or Accessed Child Porn

It might not seem likely, but people do sometimes find themselves in situations in which they are in possession of child porn without meaning to be. You might have intended to download legal porn, for example, but you might have ended up with pornography that appears to feature minors. If this is the case, you may want to talk to an attorney to determine how you should handle the situation and how you can protect yourself, even if you don't think that anyone knows about it and even if you don't think you are facing any charges.

You're Being Investigated for Child Pornography-Related Charges

You might not have been arrested or charged with anything yet, but you might have been confronted by a detective who was asking you about child pornography, or you might otherwise think that you are being investigated for child pornography-related matters. If this is the case, you should not wait until you are charged to seek legal representation. In fact, you may find that you are better off not talking to the police without an attorney present. An attorney can help you through the investigation, and if you hire an attorney now, you might be able to avoid having charges filed against you in the first place. Even if you aren't able to avoid charges, having legal representation from day one can help you out a lot.

You Have Been Charged With Child Pornography-Related Charges

You might have been blindsided with child pornography-related charges, or you might not have known that it was a good idea to hire an attorney during the investigation period, so you might have been arrested and charged after an investigation of some sort. Either way, hiring an attorney immediately is the number-one thing that you should be concerned about when facing these serious charges, since you could be facing prison time and other serious penalties.

Contact a child pornography attorney to learn more.


hiring a criminal lawyer for foster children

I knew becoming a foster parent would come with some struggles, but I never thought that I would end up helping my foster son through criminal court proceedings. This boy has had it rough from his first day of life and was doing very well adapting to the life that we were providing to him. Unfortunately, he made a bad decision and found himself in the back of a police car facing criminal mischief charges. Thankfully, we found a good attorney and were able to get things taken care of with the least negative impact possible. Find out about hiring a lawyer for a foster child here on our blog.